Graffiti 2 Community Ministries has been serving the Mott Haven neighborhood of the South Bronx for fifteen years. Since the 1970s Mott Haven has been identified as a community of need, often ranked as one of the most challenging neighborhoods in the city to raise kids.
Imagine crossing a street. Getting across is easy and relatively low risk when there’s not much traffic. However, the experience is radically different if trying to cross a busy expressway. The chance of catastrophe is likely. For far too many, life is like this busy highway. Traumatic, life-shaping experiences are commonplace, beginning in childhood and continuing for the entirety of life. Professionals call these life-altering occurrences Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Believing it is better to build a fence at the top of the cliff than a hospital at the bottom, the core of Graffiti 2’s mission is focused on children, teens, and families. Graffiti 2’s school-year and summer programs provide participants a safe environment, holistic enrichment, and meaningful relationships, all of which are proven to prevent or minimize the harmful long-term effects of ACEs.
Graffiti 2’s School-Year Program for Families is one comprehensive program made up of five integral components: G2 Kids (1st-5th grade), G.S.A.L.T. (6th-12th grade), G2 Interns (high school and young adult), Parent's Rock, and Bigger Picture Travel Experiences. These components combine to make one cohesive, consistent, and coordinated strategy to address ACE's in our community.
Participants that attend this modeling event will be engaged in hands-on-ministry as well as learn the principles and best practices that guide the work. If interested, ongoing coaching and support can be provided to those seeking to implement similar ministry in their own contexts.
This event will take place at Graffiti 2 Church and last from 1:30pm - 6:00pm.
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